Free Printable Recipe Cards

by - August 25, 2018

Free printables digital freebies
Hello Readers! Hope you are doing good.I have finally got time to write a new blog after being very very busy with some stuff for last few weeks.But no worries because i am back again here with some exciting stuff solely for you guys, and this time i have decided that no matter what happens i will be posting on the blog atlest once a week(despite being so lazy).

I have also decided to upload some really cute free printables for you.And today's post is gonna be the first one in which i am offering free printable Recipe Cards.

I have designed these cards following my most favorite floral theme. Colour pallet is mostly pinks and peaches.You may use these recipe cards to note down your favorite recipes.These recipe cards will help you to organise all of your scattered recipes at one place.

free printables

Top left part is for the title of recipe and right down portion is distributed into two parts one for the ingredients list and the rest is for from now you don't need to rush to the market for buying recipe notebooks.Just printout these cards as many as you want and you are good to go.You can also give these cards to your cooking enthusiast friend as gift. 

To download these recipe cards click here .The file is available in PDF format. Please do not remove the credits.These printables can be used for  personal and commercial use.Keep visiting the blog to get more digital freebies.

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