Homemade Rose Water + 2 Ingredient Fairness Treatment

by - September 15, 2018

Rose water mask

Want to get beautiful,soft, milky white and glowing skin?? If yes! then you have landed at the right page.This DIY remedy that i'm going to share with you is more than a miracle.I used to have dull skin a couple of months ago and believe me these two natural ingredients completely changed my skin.

Diy Rose water

First i will share the procedure for making rose water at home.
  • For making the rose you can either use fresh rose petals or dried rose petals.I used dried rose petals, but this actually does not matter you can use any of these two.
  • Make sure to wash the petals first.
  • Take a pot, add a glass of water in it and let it boil.
  • Now add half a cup of rose petals.
  • On low flame let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pot from the stove and it cool.
  • Strain the rose petals out of the water.
  • Rose water is ready.Pour the rosewater in a good size spray bottle.
  • You will have to store it in a refrigerator to keep it cold and help it last longer.
Lemon rose water Facial treatment

For the remedy you will need:
  • Lemon
  • Rose Water( I use my homemade rosewater)
How to make:
  • In a bowl add 2 tbsp of rose water
  • Squeeze half of a lemon juice and mix it with the rose water.
  • Take a cotton ball soak it in the mixture and massage it on the face and neck.
  • Leave the mixture on the face for overnight to get the best results.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water. 
Dont forget to give me your feedback.I will be waiting for that in the comment section.

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