DIY Best Sugary LipScrub/ Exfoliator

by - July 26, 2018

Sugar lip scrub recipe

If you are tired of having dry,dull and patchy lips and dreaming about having soft supple and pink; baby lips then stop dreaming, because your dream is turning into a reality.Yes! this DIY pocket friendly all three natural ingredients lip scrub is everything you need.This two minute scrub can do wonders to your lips.
For making this lip scrub you will need:-
  • Brown Sugar                                 2 tsp
  • Olive Oil                                        1 tsp
  • Honey                                            1 tsp  
  • Vanila Essence(Optional)            few Drops
sugar lip scrub recipe

Mix these ingredients and your sweet sugary lip scrub is ready.Store the scrub in a container.Apply on your lips using finger tip or toothbrush.Massage for 2 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.

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